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Fun facts about the state of Florida

Florida Public Facts

Florida State Facts

Here are some Florida fun facts you probably didn't know about:

  1. Dr. John Gorrie of Apalachicola invented mechanical refrigeration in 1851.
  2. Gatorade was named for the University of Florida Gators where the drink was first developed.
  3. Key Largo is known as the Dive Capital of the World.
  4. Miami installed the first bank automated teller machine especially for rollerbladers.
  5. The first graded road built in Florida was Old Kings Road in 1763. It was named for King George of England.
  6. Miami Beach pharmacist Benjamin Green invented the first suntan cream in 1944. He accomplished this development by cooking cocoa butter in a granite coffee pot on his wife's stove.
  7. Young aviator Tony Jannus made history on January 1, 1914 when he flew the world's first scheduled passenger service airline flight from St. Petersburg's downtown yacht basin to Tampa.

Other Florida state facts:

  • Florida State Tree: Cabbage Palmetto
  • Florida State Flower: Orange Blossom
  • Florida State Bird: Mockingbird

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